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If you have recently professed faith in Christ and/or have not yet been baptized as a believer in Jesus Christ, we want to extend the invitation for you to be baptized and become part of the DCC family! To begin that process, we invite you to take our next Foundations Class. This 5-week class walks through what we believe (doctrine), why it’s important to belong (membership), who we are (vision, mission, and values), why we are here (context), and how we function (leadership, ministries, partners, and finances). By the end, you’ll have clear next steps for how to grow and get further connected. ***This class is required for baptism & membership with DCC.***

The Gospel is the good news of the forgiveness of sin in Jesus Christ.

Water baptism is a visual and symbolic demonstration of a person’s union with Christ in His death, burial and resurrection. It signifies that a person’s former way of life has been put to death while, at the same time, being born again to a living hope in Jesus.

When we repent of our sin, trust in Jesus Christ for our salvation, we should be baptized (Acts 2:41).

Why should Christians be baptized?

Jesus commanded that all Christians be baptized (Mat 28:19).

Who should be baptized?

Every baptism in the New Testament is preceded by repentance of sin and faith in Jesus (Acts 22:16). In other words, only Christians who have repented of sin and have trusted in Jesus should be baptized. Therefore, baptism is not intended for non-Christians or children too young to demonstrate repentance and articulate faith.

Is membership a requirement for baptism?

In scripture, we repeatedly see that Baptism is a sign to the watching world that we identify ourselves as part of God’s family, the local church. When someone chooses Jesus, they choose Jesus’ church. Therefore, we view baptism and church membership going hand in hand.

Where can I learn more?

If you’d like to learn more about baptism you can listen to Pastor Adam’s “What is Baptism?” sermon and read DCC’s Baptism Primer.

How do I begin the process toward baptism?

If you would like to be baptized, please sign up for the next Foundations Class. Upon completing the class, you’ll be emailed a link to our membership process, in which you can begin taking the next step to becoming part of the family! If you have any questions, email us at