We exist to know Jesus, and to make Him known, for the glory of God and the joy of all people.

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Downtown Cornerstone is primarily a people, not a place. We are real people, asking real questions, worshiping the real God. Whether you already follow Jesus or are seeking to know what that means, you can expect to receive a warm welcome.

Sundays @ 10AM
2333 Western Ave, Seattle

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We are committed to partnering with you to joyfully teach and model who God is and what He has done for us. Learn more about our Cornerstone Kids ministry and grades currently offered.

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Latest Sermons

Tell Them How Much The Lord Has Done (Luke 8:26-39)

...demonized man, far from God, left for dead, discarded by society, in need of rescue. Surprisingly, his story is our story. More »

The Lord of the Storm (Luke 8:22-25)

...point, that’s meant to spiritually defibrillate our hearts so that we too ask, along with the disciples, “Who is this?” More »

Faith That Receives Its Inheritance (Hebrews 11:30-31; Joshua 6:1-25)

...who was from Jericho. Together, they ultimately point us to a faith that perseveres and receives its inheritance, in Christ. More »

Children of Light Hold Fast to God's Word (Luke 8:16-21)

...a revelation, an exhortation, and an implication to drive home the truth that children of light hold fast to God’s Word. More »

How Is Your Hearing? (Luke 8:1-15)

...parable is a helpful, though challenging, reminder that the fruit of our lives is determined by the hearing of our hearts. More »