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Church Membership

Becoming a member of a church is not like becoming a member of your local gym, country club, or grocery store. Rather, to become a member of a church is to formally covenant and commit yourself to God’s people, in Christ, in a local context. Church membership is a tangible way of demonstrating that you are a member of the household of God (Eph 2:19), a member of the body of Christ (1 Cor. 12:27), and a partner in the gospel (Phil. 1:5) by faith in the person and work of Jesus. We have a membership process designed to facilitate mutual understanding and care for one another, which is outlined here:


This (almost) goes without saying, but church membership is for those that have repented of their sin and embraced Jesus Christ as their Lord, Savior, and Friend. If you’re still peeking over the proverbial fence of Christianity, we’re glad you’re here – but let’s continue the conversation about Jesus before becoming a member.


A significant aspect of the process is walking through the entire Foundations class that merges essential Christian doctrine with important elements of DCC’s mission, core convictions, and practices. You don’t have to agree with everything we believe, but we do ask that you not be contentious or divisive when differences arise.


In Christ, we are spiritually united; the local church is the primary place where that new union is tangibly expressed. The church is meant to be a home, not a hotel, where members gladly exercise their God-given gifts to “build up” the church in love (Eph. 4:11-16; 1 Cor. 12-14). Therefore, a vital component of membership is participation in the life of the church: to know and be known by others (i.e., community), to exercise your gifts through service (i.e., service), and to faithfully steward your financial resources for the care of the church and the spread of the gospel (i.e., giving). If you’re not yet participating in these ways, we are happy to help you take these steps even as you pursue membership.


The application covers basic information, your faith testimony, affirming your alignment with Downtown Cornerstone Church’s doctrine, outlined in the Statement of Faith and Elder Affirmations, and agreement with the Member Covenant and Church Constitution. After you’ve completed the application, we’ll reach out to schedule your meeting with a pastor.


Pastors are called to care for, lead, feed, protect, and oversee the church as undershepherds to Jesus. They are to do so joyfully and personally, as they will give an account to God for those entrusted to their care (Heb. 13:17). In this meeting with a DCC Pastor, you’ll discuss your application, cover basic doctrinal questions, and the member covenant. Don’t worry! This isn’t a try-out. If you follow Jesus, are participating in the life of the church, have taken the Foundations class, and have completed the application, you’ll do well. This is an additional opportunity for us to get to know you and for you to get to know us. Most find this is their favorite part of the process!


After your meeting, the pastor will update the other elders so they can get to know and pray for you. Together, they will make a recommendation to the congregation to receive you as a member (or, if you need to be baptized, as a member pending baptism) at the next Members Meeting. In that Members Meeting, a pastor will present a brief summary of your testimony and participation in the church, answer any questions, and then lead a congregational vote. After the meeting, you’ll be notified and added to the Members group (on Church Center), or scheduled for an upcoming baptism (if you’ve not yet been baptized).

Please email us at with any questions you might have.

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