Downtown Cornerstone Blog
Aug 17

New Sermon Series | Jonah



This Sunday, August 18, we’re beginning a new sermon series on the book of Jonah, one of the best known, and perhaps debated, books of the Bible.

Unlike other prophetic books, this book focuses on the prophet himself. Jonah was from the small Israelite village of Gath-Hepher, lived during the reign of King Jeroboam (793-753 B.C.) and, as it turns out, needed the grace of God as much as the pagan city of Nineveh to which he was sent.

Yet, this book is not only about him; it’s about us too. We are a lot like Jonah. Jonah received a word from the Lord. We have the Word of the Lord. Jonah is called to a great city. We are called to a great city. Jonah runs from God. We also run. Jonah reluctantly obeys. We do the same. Jonah prefers personal comfort over heartfelt trust. We often do likewise. Yet, amidst Jonah’s disobedience, idolatry and self-righteousness we see the great mercy, kindness and grace of God.

This book is a call to repentance, a call to mission, a call to the city, a call to love those unlike ourselves and a call to radical trust in God. Join us as we study Jonah, the reluctant prophet, and learn what it means to be both objects and agents of God’s mercy in this city that we love.