Downtown Cornerstone Blog
May 29

Brazil: Update & Giving Fund

, Service | by Pastor David Parker

Brazil (620x130)

This summer we’re preparing to take a team down to Brazil to aid and assist in mercy outreach and church planting efforts with Jay Bauman and Restore Brazil. We couldn’t be more excited that Jesus has given us this opportunity to continue deepening our partnership and support of a fellow friend and church planter in Rio de Janeiro! If you’re not familiar with what Jay is doing in Brazil, check out this video on Restore Brazil.

As of now, we’ve solidified the team of 11 members, plane tickets have been bought, visa applications have been submitted, and team training meetings have begun! Over the summer we’ll continue to prepare through language learning, gospel fluency, sharing our testimonies, kids ministry, and more! Personally, I couldn’t be more excited, and looking forward to all that Jesus has in store for us.


First, Prayer. We know that without Jesus going before us in every way, this short-term ministry trip will be no more than a trip. In light of that, we would ask for your prayers in the following ways:

  • That Jesus would form us into a people that live and believe the Gospel into every sphere of life.
  • That through our team meetings this summer, we would grow in unity, preparation, and language learning together.
  • That we would be a blessing and encouragement to Jay, Restore Brazil, and church planting efforts taking place in Rio.
  • That Jesus would give all of us a deeper love and passion for Jesus’ mission not only here in Seattle, but around the world.
  • That Jesus would provide financially for all of our team needs.

Second, would you prayerfully consider how you can help send this team down to Brazil this summer?

Not only is each team member personally sacrificing and working on fundraising for this trip, but we’re looking to corporately raise 10K towards this trip. This will help cover the cost of everything from mercy outreach supplies (toiletry kits, shoes, crafts, etc.), to some filming and computer equipment that we would like to bless Restore Brazil with so that the Gospel could be spread in the City of Rio and beyond.


If you would like to contribute to the Brazil fund, you can give in the following ways:

  • On Sunday via check or cash (please write Brazil in the memo line or use a giving envelope located at the connect desk).
  • Give online using this link
  • Mail your gifts to: Downtown Cornerstone Church, 1700 7th Ave STE116 #324, Seattle, WA, 98101-1323. Write in the memo line of the check “Brazil Fund”

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to email .

For the Gospel in Seattle, and to the ends of the Earth,
Pastor David