Downtown Cornerstone Blog
Apr 7

Good Friday & Easter Recap (Pictures, Video, Sermon Link)

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On Good Friday and Easter, we remembered and celebrated Jesus' sinless life, substitutionary death, triumphant resurrection, and ultimate victory over sin!

This year, we gathered at the Washington State Convention Center with adequate space to safely meet in one gathering amidst Covid-19 health guidelines. Given the unique challenges of this season, it was a huge evidence of grace to be able to meet together as one body for worship.

On Good Friday, Pastor Adam shared a brief message about the significance of Jesus' last supper with his disciples, we listened to a scriptural account of the first Good Friday by different readers from the DCC body, and we reflected on the cross with songs and the Lord's Supper.

On Easter, we worshiped our risen King! Pastor Adam preached on what it means to be a Christian—being born again through Jesus' life, death, and resurrection. This was followed by Scripture reading from DCC members in their first languages.

If you missed these gatherings, click here to watch a recording of our Good Friday service and click here to listen to the Easter sermon.

See below for a few photos from the weekend!

Good Friday

Good Friday Photos


Easter Photos

Gather With Us

If you're newly participating with DCC in this season, we gather as a church on Sundays at 9AM & 11AM in Belltown on Western & Battery. As we continue to abide by ongoing Covid-19 health guidelines, we invite you to pre-register to attend a gathering via our website or by using the link below.

Pre-Register to attend a Sunday Gathering

Our Sunday Livestream will also continue for those unable to attend in person in this season.

If you have any other questions, comments, or need during this time please do not hesitate to email us at .