Downtown Cornerstone Blog
Jun 25

Serve the City | Gatewood Elementary School

City Life, Event, Serve the City, Service

PrintOn Saturday July 26th from 9:30am to 2pm, Downtown Cornerstone Church will be partnering with Seattle Schools and Gatewood Elementary School in West Seattle to help with some much needed maintenance, groundskeeping, and painting around the school in preparation for the coming school year.


  • The Seattle School District has only 5 groundskeepers to maintain 34 schools in the South Seattle school district. This leaves many of the schools without adequate funding and manpower to maintain the properties. As such, these schools heavily rely on volunteer efforts to come alongside and help maintain their properties and facilities.
  • We asked Seattle Schools where their greatest need is, and they told us Gatewood Elementary. Because of the lack of attention and resources over the years, Gatewood Elementary has experienced a massive overgrowth of vines that has taken over their playground fencing, and is quickly becoming a hazard.
  • As a church, we believe that we’ve been infinitely loved and served by God, through the person and work of Jesus. Because of that, we believe that the good news of the Gospel is not only shared in word, but demonstrated in deed. Serving is not just “giving back” but a tangible expression of the Gospel of Jesus Christ – serving as we’ve been served, in Christ.


  • Weeding and mulching
  • Removal of bushes and vines from fencing
  • Refreshing paint on play lines and maps in the playground
  • Misc Projects


Everyone. Whether you are single, married, wanting to bring a friend or the whole family, there’s something for everyone to do!


Yes. We need team captains who can help keep groups of 5-20 busy, and be a point person for your team. Please indicate on the registration form if you are interested in being a team captain!


Seattle schools will take as many volunteers as we can provide, and we are shooting to have over 200 Volunteers.


Register HERE and share this link with friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers!


We will meet in the school parking lot off of SW Frontenac Ave at 9:30 to break into teams and be assigned tasks.


Plan to wear grubby clothes that can get dirty, or you don’t mind getting paint on. Cloth work gloves will be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own work gloves if you prefer.


Bring a rain coat! Rain or shine, we’ll be there.


  • By Bus: The 116, 118, and 119 bus stops right in front of the school.
  • By Car: The School is located at: 4320 SW Myrtle St, Seattle, WA 98136. Limited parking is available in the school parking lot, but there’s ample street parking on SW Frontenac, SW Fauntleroy, or SW Myrtle.


Jun 20

Photos from Picnic at the Park

City Life, Event, Photos

PicnicattheParkPromo_0514_620x130_CSLast Tuesday, we gathered as a church at Gasworks Park for a Picnic and games with the lake and city skyline as a backdrop. Here are some photos from the evening!


Jun 5

Picnic at the Park this Tuesday!

City Life, Event

PicnicattheParkPromo_0514_620x130_CSJoin us at Gasworks Park this coming Tuesday for food and games as we welcome in the summer together! We couldn’t ask for a better spot to enjoy the water, the sun, and the beautiful skyline view of our city. Bring your neighbors and friends to kick off the summer with us!


We’ll meet up at Gas Works Park, 2101 N Northlake Way. Look for everyone gathering just south of the picnic shelter, and east of the old plant structure (see map below).


Tuesday, June 10th, 6pm-dusk


Picnic & Games. Bring your own dinner (non-grillable), blanket, and friends, and we’ll have games for both adults and kids throughout the evening! Some drinks and snacks will be provided. 


There is a parking lot on the north side of the park, that should offer ample parking.













May 15

Save the Dates for Summer Events!

, City Life, News

SummerEventsPromo1_0414_620x130_CS_fThroughout the summer we’ll be corporately gathering together as Downtown Cornerstone Church around the following events. These events will not only be a great opportunity to grow together as a church, but an opportunity to get to know, love and serve those that Jesus has placed around us. Mark these dates on your calendar and consider who you can invite!

Additionally, our communities will be gathering in various forms throughout the summer. if you’re not connected to one, email  to get plugged in today!

Picnic at the Park | Gasworks Park
Tuesday, June 10th | 6pm

Bring a picnic dinner (non grill-able) and join us for a fun evening to welcome in the summer! This will occur in lieu of our normal community rhythm and is an opportunity to enjoy the sunshine with our neighbors and friends.

Serve the City | Gatewood Elementary School
Saturday, July 26th | 10am

We are partnering with the Seattle School District for a day of service at Gatewood Elementary School in West Seattle. The more volunteers we have, the better we are able to serve this school so please mark your calendars and invite your friends!

BBQ & Beach Baptisms | South Lake Union Park
Tuesday, August 26th | TBD

Join us for our 4th annual BBQ and Baptism event! We will gather at South Lake Union Park for a BBQ followed by baptisms, to celebrate all that Jesus has done and is continuing to do among us as a people. If you are interested in being baptized or want to learn more, you can read more here.

We depend on volunteer support for all of these events!

If you would like to serve the church by helping plan one of these events, please email  or stop by the Connect Desk on Sunday.

Jan 10

Adopt a Neighbor | White Center Heights Elementary School

City Life, Service


Adopt-a-Neighbor-(620x130)Written by Linnell Pitt, Downtown Cornerstone Church member and teacher at White Center Heights Elementary

DCC Family,

Words can hardly express my gratitude for your generosity this Advent season.  Back in late November, I posted a need on The City, hoping to get a couple people to take advantage of Black Friday to get a couple sweatshirts for my school’s sweatshirt drive.  I didn’t expect all of DCC to rally around my school and have a full-blown sweatshirt drive.

For those of you who may not have heard about DCC’s Advent “Adopt a Neighbor” campaign, I’ll give a little background.  I am a 2nd grade teacher at White Center Heights Elementary School, which is located in a very poverty-impacted neighborhood.  About 90% of the students at my school receive free and reduced priced meals, meaning that many parents and guardians are struggling to provide the basic necessities for their families.  The staff decided that we wanted to provide every child in our school with a sweatshirt as a “winter” present since a lot of the students don’t have proper winter clothes and are cold at recess.  However, with around 650 students in our school, that was a very lofty goal for us to obtain, so we reached out to our friends, family, and communities.

That is where Downtown Cornerstone Church came in!  After I posted the need on The City, Pastor Adam and Pastor David asked me if my school’s sweatshirt drive could be a part of DCC’s annual “Adopt-a-Neighbor,” and I heartily agreed.  The total number of sweatshirts given by DCC was 81, which is awesome! The sweatshirts were all so cute and stylish!  In addition, one of our church members, Natalie, got her company to do a sweatshirt drive and they raised just over 90 sweatshirts (as well as a matched cash donation). That’s a total of over 170 sweatshirts, which was well beyond what I had hoped or expected!

20131219_121302 croppedIn the end, our school was only about seventy sweatshirts short.  That was an easy fix because many staff and community members had made cash donations, making it possible for a last-minute shopping trip to get the remaining sweatshirts.  The other teachers and I gave the sweatshirts to our students on the Thursday before winter break.  When I told my students that the teachers, staff, community, and my church had all worked together to provide brand new sweatshirts for every single student in White Center Heights Elementary, my class started clapping and cheering.  As sweatshirts were handed out, it was joyful chaos in my classroom with students dancing, singing, and jumping up and down with excitement.  Some of the kids even started a conga line!  I heard the same report from other teachers in the building, with one teacher saying that her students were “beside themselves with joy.”  The students at White Center Heights Elementary were absolutely thrilled to have new, warm sweatshirts, and just in time for our snow day that Friday.

As a church, we believe that we have been infinitely loved and served by God through the person and work of Jesus, so we give because we’ve been given everything in Christ. Thank you DCC for serving the kids of White Center Heights Elementary as you’ve been loved and served by God in Christ. We were all so blessed by your generosity.

Thank you again, and I wish you all the best in 2014!



Dec 12

Beach Baptism Video & Advent Baptisms!

, City Life

On September 10th, 2013, we had the privilege and honor of holding our third annual summer baptisms at South Lake Union Park in the heart of downtown Seattle. There were testimonies of God’s grace, great food and 11 baptisms. What a night!

We will be having our next round of baptisms during our gathering this coming Sunday, December 15th! If you’d like to learn more or sign up to be baptized, you can do that here. God has not called us to merely build a great church – but to build a great city, from the avenues to the alley ways. That happens as individual lives are changed by Jesus and sent into the city armed with His message and mercy. Baptism marks that change and for that we rejoice!


Sep 25

Back to School Drive Recap

, City Life, Event, Service | by Anne Johnson


We recently had the chance to run a back to school drive for Dunlap Elementary School in Rainer Valley. This wasn’t the first time we partnered with Dunlap; back in July we hosted a Serve The City event. After an outpouring of blessings (on us!), we knew there had to be more we could do. Dunlap’s Head Teacher, Jacqualine Brown, explained that because of tight finances many students show up to school without adequate supplies. Backpacks are often the most difficult for parents to purchase, especially in larger families. Dunlap is located in one of the most diverse neighborhoods in the country, and over 85% of the students receive free or subsidized lunches.

We are committed to building a great city, not just a great church. Our desire is to see gospel renewal take place from the avenues to the alleyways. With this in mind we decided to hold the drive. For the month of August donations were brought in, ordered from Amazon and one Community even went to the store for their weekly gathering. On the last day of the drive, a group of us had carried down that days donations, (it took five of us). While I was pulling the car around to load up the bounty, my husband waited with the bags and bags of school supplies. He told me afterwards that people walked by, staring at him and presumably wondering what a large bearded man needed with ten pink calculators. But among the stares, a woman approached him and asked if he was with the school drive. When he responded yes, she handed him money to contribute to the effort.

As a church, we believe that we have been infinitely loved and served by God through the person and work of Jesus, so we serve as we’ve been served in Christ. For a majority of the items, like folders, notebooks, pencils and crayons, we exceeded the amount Dunlap requested. With everyone’s help we were able to donate 22 backpacks, and hundreds of pencils, erasers, notebooks, glue sticks, and so much more!

It was awesome watching our church family give to those they did not even know, and I was humbled watching the pile of supplies go from this:


To this:

That is not all the glue sticks, there are more!

Thank you DCC for the ways that you loved and served others through this drive! I’m praying that we would continue to be a people who are marked by a deep love for Jesus, and the city He has placed us in!

Hebrews 13:16

Do not neglect to do good and to share what you have, for such sacrifices are pleasing to God.

Phillipians 2:3-7

Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility count others more significant than yourselves. Let each of you look not only to his own interests, but also to the interests of others. Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men. And being found in human form, he humbled himself by becoming obedient to the point of death, even death on a cross.

Aug 10

Get Dunked | September 10th, 2013

, , City Life, Event

Baptisms-(620x130)In exactly one month, on September 10, DCC will close out the end of the summer with a BBQ and Baptisms celebration at Lake Union Park. We’ll gather as a family, eat together, and hear accounts of God’s goodness in the lives of individuals. This will be such a rich time to enjoy our city and be encouraged by those that have repented from sin and trust Jesus as their Lord and Savior.

When we repent of our sin and trust in Jesus Christ for our salvation, we should be baptized (Acts 2:41). If you’re considering baptism for yourself or simply want to learn more, click here or e-mail  with any questions you might have.

Save the date, invite friends and neighbors, and enjoy last year’s video below..

Aug 1

Serve the City Recap & Video

City Life, Photos, Serve the City, Service, Video

At Downtown Cornerstone Church we are committed to building a great city, not just a great church. Our desire is to see gospel renewal take place from the avenues to the alleyways. On July 20th over 100 people from DCC partnered with Dunlap Elementary School in Rainier Valley to help with some much needed maintenance.

Dunlap is located in one of the most diverse neighborhoods in the country, and over 85% of the students receive free or subsidized lunches. As a church, we believe that we have been infinitely loved and served by God through the person and work of Jesus, so we serve as we’ve been served in Christ.

Thank you to everyone who came out to Serve the City this year! Check out the video and photos  from the event below and be sure to join us next time we gather as a family to serve the city, loving it to life.

“But seek the welfare of the city where I have sent you into exile, and pray to the Lord on its behalf, for in its welfare you will find your welfare.”(Jeremiah 29:7)

Having trouble viewing the video? Click here to open it in a new window.













Jul 30

Back to School Supply Drive

City Life, Service

BACK-TO-SCHOOL-BANNERAs a follow up to our Serve the City event on July 20th, we are partnering with Dunlap Elementary School again by hosting a Back to School Drive through September 1st! As a church, we believe that we’ve been infinitely loved and served by God, through the person and work of Jesus. Because of that, we believe the good news of the Gospel is not only shared in word, but demonstrated in deed.

Dunlap Elementary is one of the most culturally diverse and impoverished elementary schools in our region, serving subsidized or free lunches for over 85% of the students. On September 4th, Dunlap Elementary will start a new school year and many students will show up on the first day of class with little or no school supplies.


Anyone and everyone can provide donations*.


We’re in need of these items this week.


September 1st is the last Sunday to drop off the supplies, but the sooner the better!


We’ll have designated barrels set up during our church gathering on Sundays.


Serving is a tangible expression of the Gospel of Jesus Christ – serving as we’ve been served, in Christ.

*Please do not wrap donations or take them out of their original packaging. We are creating a store of supplies for the teachers, who will then divvy out supplies as needed.

Email  for any additional questions!

We’re excited to see how God will use this for His glory!