Downtown Cornerstone Blog
Jul 18

Four Reasons to Serve the City this Saturday

City Life, Event, Serve the City, Teaching | by Pastor Adam Sinnett


This Saturday we are holding our second annual Serve the City project, in partnership with the Seattle School District, at Dunlap Elementary School in Rainier Valley. You can get all of the details here. Please arrive by 9:30am and go directly to the registration tent where you will be assigned to a work team. There will be various work projects suitable to a wide range of skill sets. Families are encouraged to participate. We are expecting to be done by 2:00pm. Snacks and water will be provided, but you will want to pack a lunch. Please RSVP so we have accurate numbers for supplies. Also, if you’d like to help as a team captain you can indicate that when you register.

So, all that said, why serve the city? Let’s look at four reasons:

First, we love this city, warts and all. Seattle is our home. This is where we live, work, play and raise our families. As a church, we are not here to look down on the city (in condemnation), or cower under the city (in fear), or mirror the city (in surrender) but to love and challenge the city with the truth of the gospel of Jesus Christ. Fundamentally, we serve because we want to love this city as we’ve been loved by Jesus.

Second, there are great needs in our city. Like any city, Seattle is filled with significant needs to be met and this just one of them. Dunlap Elementary is one of the most culturally diverse and impoverished elementary schools in our region, serving subsidized or free lunches to over 85% of the students. Additionally, the Seattle School District lacks sufficient staff to keep up the grounds. Dunlap is just one of many schools without adequate funding that rely, almost exclusively, on community volunteer efforts. Therefore, we want to meet the needs of this city because when we were at our neediest Jesus came to meet our greatest needs.

Thirdwe have been served. If you follow Jesus, you have been radically served by God. Jesus lived the perfect life we should all live, but can’t. Then, he bore the just wrath of God that we deserve on the cross, in our place, and three days later rose to new life. In so doing, he conquered Satan, sin, death and evil on our behalf.  In so doing, he reconciles us to God, forgives our sin, adopts us into His family, seals us with the Spirit, gives us a new identity and promises us a new future. In other words, we serve because we have been radically served by God, in Christ. (cf Phil 2:4-11)

Fourth, we believe good news and should, therefore, be good news. Good news changes how we live. How much more should the good news of the gospel? We aim to be a declaring and demonstrating community. As you know, we take the declaration of the gospel very seriously as Jesus’ people. But, at the same time, we take the demonstration of its implications just as seriously. All talk, with no walk, leaves people skeptical. All walk, with no talk, leaves people confused. Therefore, we attempt to declare and demonstrate the good news of the gospel, without which no one will see the Lord. (cf Heb 12:14)

I’m looking forward to our time together this Saturday and hope you can make it out. Be sure to invite friends, family, neighbors, and co-workers. There is plenty of work to done and conversations to be had. I’m asking Jesus to use this opportunity to give us favor with the city, open up additional avenues of influence, and lead some to saving faith. I encourage you to the same. See you there!

Because we have been served,

Pastor Adam


Jul 2

Serve the City | Dunlap Elementary School

City Life, Event, Serve the City


On Saturday July 20th from 9:30am to 2pm, Downtown Cornerstone Church will be partnering with Dunlap Elementary School in Rainier Valley to help with some much needed maintenance, groundskeeping, and cleaning around the school in preparation for the coming school year.

Why are we volunteering in this way?

  • The Seattle School District has only 5 groundskeepers to maintain 34 schools in the South Seattle district. This leaves many of the schools without adequate funding and manpower to maintain the properties. As such, these schools heavily rely on volunteer efforts to come alongside and help maintain their properties and facilities.
  • Dunlap Elementary is one of the most culturally diverse and impoverished elementary schools in our region, serving subsidized or free lunches for over 85% of the students.
  • As a church, we believe that we’ve been infinitely loved and served by God, through the person and work of Jesus. Because of that, we believe that the good news of the Gospel is not only shared in word, but demonstrated in deed. Serving is not just “giving back” but a tangible expression of the Gospel of Jesus Christ – serving as we’ve been served, in Christ.

What we will do:

  • Weeding and mulching all of the grounds
  • Removal of bushes
  • Refreshing paint on all railings
  • Refresh striping lines on parking lot
  • Applying sealant to mural(s)
  • Painting curb lines in bus zone and fire lanes
  • Deep cleaning of hallways and cafeteria tables

Who should join us?

Everyone. Whether you are single, married, wanting to bring a friend or the whole family, there’s something for everyone to do!

Are there any needs besides showing up?

Yes. We need team captains who can help keep groups of 5-20 busy, and be a point person for your team. Please indicate on the form below if you are interested in being a team captain!

How many people are needed?

Seattle schools will take as many volunteers as we can provide, and we are shooting to have over 150 Volunteers.

How do I sign up?

Register HERE and share this link with friends, family, neighbors, and coworkers!

Where should I go when I get there?

We will meet in the school parking lot at 9:30 to break into teams and be assigned tasks.

What should I wear?

Plan to wear grubby clothes that can get dirty, or you don’t mind getting paint on. Cloth work gloves will be provided, but you are welcome to bring your own work gloves if you prefer.

What if it rains?

Bring a rain coat! Rain or shine, we’ll be there.

How do I get there?

By Light Rail: Take the Link Light Rail to the Rainier Beach Station. Walk 2 blocks north to S. Cloverdale St. Walk East on S. Cloverdale for 4 blocks. Dunlap Elementary will be on your right. (Approximately 10 min walk from light rail station)

  • By Bus: The Number 7 Bus stops at Rainier Ave and S. Cloverdale Ave. Walk 4 blocks west on S Cloverdale till you reach Dunlap Elementary.
  • By Car: The School is located at: 4525 S. Cloverdale Seattle, WA 98118 Limited parking is available in the school parking lot, but there’s ample street parking on S. Cloverdale St.


Email for any additional questions!

May 21

Picnic at the Park

City Life, News

Join us at South Lake Union Park on June 4th for picnic and games as we welcome in the summer!

This will occur in lieu of our normal community rhythm and is an opportunity to enjoy the sunshine with our neighbors and friends.


South Lake Union Park, 860 Terry Ave N. We’ll gather just north of the model boat pond, and west of the MOHI.


Tuesday, June 4th, 6pm-dusk


Picnic & Games. Bring your own dinner (non-grillable) & yard games. Some drinks, snacks & sporting equipment will be provided.


There is ample street parking on either side of the park that is free after 6 pm. The Lake Union Trolley leaves from 5th & Olive and runs right in front of the park.

Mar 28

Five Reasons to Join Us for Good Friday & Easter

, , , City Life | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Though we celebrate Jesus’ life, death and resurrection every Sunday, this weekend is unique. Good Friday and Easter have been set apart since the earliest days of the church to specifically remember, reflect and rejoice in the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ – and all these two events accomplished for those who embrace him by faith.

Jesus’ death and resurrection are two sides of the same coin. Without his death, there’s no resurrection. Without his resurrection, there is no salvation. They cannot be separated. Therefore, this weekend we remember two great events with one great purpose: God reconciling sinners to himself. I invite you to join us and encourage you to invite others to do the same.

Five reasons to join us – and invite others

#1 Jesus.

You and/or your friends may know nothing about Jesus. If you’re an average Seattleite you likely know very little about who Jesus is, let alone why there’s so much hoop-la surrounding his death and resurrection. Given the importance of this towering figure, it is only wise to learn more. That’s what this weekend is all about. (Lk 23:33)

#2 We forget.

Even those who are followers of Jesus, forget. We forget how radical of a salvation God has accomplished for us in Jesus. We forget how deep our sin really is. We forget how great God’s grace really is. We forget that our condition is so bad God had to die for us, yet we are so loved he was glad to. We forget and need to be reminded. “I think it right, as long as I am in this body, to stir you up by way of reminder…” (1Pe 1:13) That’s what this weekend is all about.

#3 Slow down.

Life is busy and it can hard to slow down and truly think about life, death, sin, meaning, purpose, faith and more. We get so caught up in moving from one activity to the next that we rarely get to step back and reflect. What am I living for? Why am I here? Am I living my life in line with the gospel? Do I truly have an interest in Jesus? That’s what this weekend is all about.

#4 Relevance.

Even though the events we remember and celebrate this weekend occurred roughly 2,000 years ago in a small, rural outpost of the Roman Empire, they remain incredibly relevant. Jesus is relevant. In a world of one-hit-wonders, seasonal fads and passing celebrity, what we need is real, grounded, truth. That’s what this weekend is about.

#5 He is Risen!

Jesus’ resurrection proves He is the Son of God (Rom 1:4). By his resurrection sinners are converted (Acts 3:26), sin is forgiven (Acts 5:30-31), the Spirit is sent (Acts 2:33), people are healed (Acts 3:15-16), the penalty and power of sin is destroyed (Acts 13:37-39), we are assured the gospel is true (Acts 17:31) and our future resurrection is guaranteed (Acts 17:31). That’s what this weekend is about. He is risen!

Join Us for Good Friday & Easter

Good Friday

Friday, March 29th @ 6:30PM
AMC Pacific Place 11, 600 Pine St, Seattle, WA 98101

“And when they were come to the place that is called The Skull, they crucified him…” (Lk 23:33)

On Good Friday we’ll gather to reflect on the night Jesus Christ was betrayed, unlawfully tried, crucified and buried, in our place, for the forgiveness of sin. Cornerstone Kids and parking validation will be provided.

Easter Morning

Sunday, March 31st @ 10:00AM
AMC Pacific Place 11, 600 Pine St, Seattle, WA 98101

“Why do you seek the living among the dead? He is not here, but has risen.” (Lk 23:33)

Then, on Easter Sunday, we’ll celebrate Jesus’ defeat of Satan, sin and death through vibrant worship, baptism, and practical teaching in the heart of the city! Cornerstone Kids will be provided.


We will offer validated parking on Good Friday. For those that are able, please try to secure street parking first. Parking is free after 6pm east of 6th Ave. and north of Stewart St. – just a few blocks from our meeting space. On Easter Sunday downtown parking is free. Please allow time to secure street parking. We offer 3 hour validation to the Pacific Place Parking garage for families and folks with special needs.


Cornerstone Kids is provided for kids 1 to 6 years old.

For more information on our Sunday Gatherings please email .

Mar 26

New To DCC?

, City Life

Are you new to Downtown Cornerstone Church? Welcome! For those of you that are new, or have been running with us for a while, this will be an introduction or a refresher. We trust that you’ve found DCC a home, a family, and a safe place to ask your questions, and get connected. If you’re interested in learning more or have any questions, don’t hesitate to email us at .


We exist to build a great city through the gospel of Jesus Christ for the glory of God. We do this by cultivating communities of Spirit-led followers of Jesus that enjoy God, redemptively engage the city, and reach the world.



We love Jesus. We love Seattle. We want Seattle – from the avenues to the alley ways – to love Jesus. This mutual love triggered a small group of people to begin praying about planting a new Jesus-loving, Bible-believing, Gospel-centered church in the heart of downtown Seattle. In the spring of 2010 this vision began to materialize. We gathered a launch community. We developed our vision, mission and values. We prayed, served and shared the gospel. Many moved downtown. God went before us in supernatural ways. Our communities multiplied. People met Jesus. Then, on April 3rd 2011, we marked our birth as a newly forming church in the heart of downtown Seattle. Every church is planted at some point, we just happened to be in 2011. Our prayer is that God would use DCC to sink the roots of the good news of Jesus Christ deep into the heart of this great city. We invite you to join us as this story, His story, continues to be written. “O Lord, [we] have heard the report of you, and your work, O Lord, do I fear. In the midst of the years revive it; in the midst of the years make it known…” (Hab 3:2)


Downtown Cornerstone is primarily a people, not a place. At DCC there is no religiosity, no pretension, and no empty ritual; only real people, asking real questions, worshiping the real God. We gather together on Sundays at 10:00AM to worship through song, the preached Word, and the Lord’s Supper. Dress is informal. We are a diverse group of people with many different tastes and backgrounds. Whether you already follow Jesus or are seeking to know what that means, you can expect to receive a warm welcome. For more information regarding our Sunday gatherings go here.

Sundays @ 10:00AM
AMC Pacific Place 11, 600 Pine St, Seattle, WA 98101


Downtown parking is free on Sunday. Please allow time to secure street parking. We offer 3 hour validation to the Pacific Place Parking garage for families and folks with special needs. (Please try to secure street parking first.)


Children of all ages are welcome to sit in the main gathering with their parent or caretaker. Cornerstone Kids is provided for children ages one year to six years old. Also, a comfortable nursing area is available for nursing mothers. All of the volunteers are well-known, trained and have undergone a thorough background check.

For more information or if you have additional questions please email .

Mar 18

Discipleship Group Resources

, , City Life | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

Many of you are aware that we have smaller groups, typically formed within our communities, that we refer to as Discipleship Groups (DGs). At the heart of the Christian faith is “discipleship” or, in other words, being a learner of Jesus (Mt 28:18-20). Growing as a disciple of Jesus doesn’t happen on accident, intentionality is required. Therefore, we have created DGs which are small (2-5 people), gender-specific, biblical, and missional groups who regularly meet together for life-on-life intentional discipleship.

The purpose of Discipleship Groups is to cultivate trust in Jesus, growth in holiness and missional living.

I recently took some time to refresh the Discipleship Group Starter that I originally put together a couple years ago. There are two small changes

First, I added the following two lines under the “General Principles” section for additional clarity:

  • Priority of Community. DGs are intended to be a supplement to, not a replacement of, community.
  • Covering of Community. Every DG should be covered by a community for nurture and accountability.

Second, I added a third page that addresses a number of frequently asked questions (FAQs).

If you’re not in a Discipleship Group, I highly encourage you to prayerfully consider it and talk to your community leader about getting involved. At the very least, consider joining one for a couple weeks to get a sense of what they’re all about.

If you are in a Discipleship Group, I have three requests:

  • Take some time to read through the updated Discipleship Group Starter together during an upcoming meet-up. If you haven’t done so recently, you will find it to be a helpful and clarifying refresher.
  • Given that, talk about the status of your group. What’s going well? What could improve? What bad habits have made themselves at home in your weekly meet-ups? What needs to be added in? Taken out? What’s the next step?
  • Let me know if you have any additional questions. I will insert the most common ones under the FAQs.

I pray this continues to serve our church well into the next season of life on Jesus’ mission together.

For more info on resources check the Resource page or email .

Mar 11

Get Baptized This Easter

, , , City Life, Event

Join us Easter Morning for baptisms

On Easter Morning we will celebrate our third round of baptisms together as a Jesus-loving, Bible-believing, Gospel-centered church in the heart of downtown Seattle!
In baptism we identity with Jesus in his death (being immersed under water) and his resurrection to new life (being brought out of the water) for the forgiveness of sin (Rom 6:1-10; Col 2:12). It is outward symbolic act that demonstrates the inward reality of what God has accomplished on the cross through His Son. In so doing, we identify ourselves with Jesus (Acts 10:48; Rom 6:3; Gal 3:27), the universal church (1 Cor 12:13), and the local church (Acts 2:41).

Why should Christians be baptized?

Jesus commanded that all Christians be baptized (Mat 28:19).

Who should be baptized?

Every baptism in the New Testament is preceded by repentance of sin and faith in Jesus (Acts 2:38-41; Acts 2:41; Acts 8:12; Acts 9:18-19; Acts 10:44-48; Acts 16:14-15, 40; Acts 16:29-36; Acts 18:8; Acts 19:1-7; Acts 22:16). In other words, only Christians who have repented of sin and have trusted in Jesus should be baptized. Therefore, all non-Christians and children too young to demonstrate repentance and articulate faith should be excluded.

Some frequently asked questions about baptism:

Q: “Should I be baptized if I was already baptized as an infant?” That’s a good question. The simple answer is: Yes. The biblical model for baptism is: first, belief, then baptism as evidence of your belief. In other words, baptism is an outward symbolic reality of a new inner spiritual reality. That clearly wasn’t present as an infant. Technically speaking, you’re not getting baptized “again” as the first time wasn’t a baptism, in the true sense of the term.

Q: “I thought I was a Christian when I got baptized, but now I realize I wasn’t. Now I understand the gospel and truly follow Jesus. Should I get baptized?” The exact answer will depend on your particular story. But, if it is clear that you were not a Christian then, but have since started following Jesus, you should get baptized.

Q: “What sort of preparation is required prior to baptism?” We will pull all of the baptizees together following our church gathering on Sunday, March 24th, to walk through the process and offer some suggestions on how to prepare, practically and spiritually.

Join us Easter Morning

Sunday, March 31st @ 10:00AM
AMC Pacific Place 11, 600 Pine St, Seattle, WA 98101

On Easter Sunday, we’ll celebrate Jesus’ defeat of Satan, sin and death through vibrant worship, baptism, and practical teaching in the heart of the city! Cornerstone Kids will be provided.

How do I begin the process toward baptism?

If you would like to be baptized, check out our Baptism page or email us at with any additional questions you might have.

Mar 7

Spring Forward This Sunday

, City Life | by Pastor Adam Sinnett

This Sunday, March 10th, Daylight Savings Time will begin, so don’t forget to turn your clocks ahead one hour so you can arrive to the Sunday gathering on time. Please take note and spread the word. We look forward to gathering with you!

Mar 5

Good Friday & Easter Morning

, , , City Life, Event

Good Friday

Friday, March 29th @ 6:30PM
AMC Pacific Place 11, 600 Pine St, Seattle, WA 98101

On Good Friday we’ll gather to reflect on the night Jesus Christ was betrayed, unlawfully tried, crucified and buried, in our place, for the forgiveness of sin. Cornerstone Kids and parking validation will be provided.

Easter Morning

Sunday, March 31st @ 10:00AM
AMC Pacific Place 11, 600 Pine St, Seattle, WA 98101

Then, on Easter Sunday, we’ll celebrate Jesus’ defeat of Satan, sin and death through vibrant worship, baptism, and practical teaching in the heart of the city! Cornerstone Kids will be provided. If you are interested in being baptized Easter morning click here.


We will offer validated parking on Good Friday. For those that are able, please try to secure street parking first. Parking is free after 6pm east of 6th Ave. and north of Stewart St. – just a few blocks from our meeting space. On Easter Sunday downtown parking is free. Please allow time to secure street parking. We offer 3 hour validation to the Pacific Place Parking garage for families and folks with special needs.


Cornerstone Kids is provided for kids 1 to 6 years old.

For more information on our Sunday Gatherings please email .